Minggu, 17 April 2011

My Field Trip to Singapore

Sunday, 10 April 2011
this is the first day of the Singapore field trip. i am going with 7B and, the 8th graders in this trip :) i am very - very glad and happy of this trip, this is the first time i go abroad with friends and teachers. my teachers who are coming are Sir Erick, Sir Ray, Mam Lovanka, Mam Liani and Mam Hartati. it is assured to the students to assemble at school at 02.30 A.M. at school, i had already set an alarm, but guess what ?! i woke up at 2.25 A.M !! so i directly brushed my teeth, brought my suitcase down and went to school in a hurry. i arrived there at about 2.35, thanks to the road which are not crowded. all of my friends except david has been there but the bus hasn't left the school yet. yeay !! ^^

at about 3 o'clock the bus that brings the 7th grade and 8th grade to Soekarno - Hatta International Airport leaves SMPK 1 BPK. We will start the journey !! yeay !! at about 5.30 we arrive at Soekarno - Hatta international Airport, and leave Indonesia at 7.15.

after arriving at Changi Airport, we do all the stuffs there and go to our stay, the Pasir Ris Resort by MRT. under is the MRT route in Singapore, has been circling the country of Singapore. in the arternoon we are not allowed to go outside our room, including swimming. on the evening we go to Downtown East for eating and having fun :)

Monday, 11 April 2011
This is the first day i  go to the Anglo Chinese School in Singapore. it's a huge school, very very big with a football court, a soccer court with synthetic grass, a basketball court, running tracks, swimming pool, 3 auditoriums and tens of classes. my class is 1.10, i'm there with Aldwin and Andre. the students there are soooo kind and friendly and so  enthusiastic to receive us, there while most teachers ignore us. there i make friends with the boys there, of course, because it's a boys school. no year 1 girls there. my first friends are Zacharia Low and Vikaram Veerapandian, they are very - very kind to me. afterschool we go to Orchard and spend the day there.

Tuesday,  12 April 2011
On the second day of schooling i make new friends too.. there's an insulting boy, but quite fun to be with him, named Yi Liang. today i make friends with almost of all the class members. the kindest ones that i have very good friendship are Zac and Vikaram, ones that i had made friends yesterday, Manthan (Sachde), an Indian boy who came to Singapore, Satesh (Kumar), (Joshua) Handover and (Muhamad) Aqil. afterschool i go to
Bugis Junction and spend the day there.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011
The 3rd day at school. for this day, we don't go anywhere afterschool, just staying in the hotel. i swim my 7th graders and 8th graders friends, it's very very fun ^^ hahaha.. splashing and teasing each other in the pool's very fun and interesting ^^

Thursday, 14 April 2011
 last day at Anglo Chinese School... i find it uneasy to leave my friends and the ACS. i say goodbye and give a kind of sourvenir from Indonesia to them. afterschool we go to Suntec City. this is the day of Philip's birthday !! Happy Birtday Pipoo :) traktiran starbucks loh ^^ In the morning we wake Pipo up and sang Happy Birthday, and at night celebrating his birthday by watching, playing cards, eating birthday cake that we bought on the 13rd April and singing and so on. it's very fun ! we play and sing and so on until 1.30 o'clock A.M. and everybody sleep at 2 A.M.

Friday, 15 April 2011
This day is the most memorable day in my trip to singapore. today, i go to Sentosa Island, where i make my last change and decide to go to Universal Studios Singapore. before i had decided not to go, because most of my 7th grader boy friends don't go. but in the bus, i make up my mind and make a last minute change and decide to go. there i ride rides that are really fun, interesting and challenging. the most rides that i like are Galactica : Cylon and The Mummy. at the end, i realize that it will be a dull if i don't change my mind and don't come.. such a unforgettable day :)